Monday, August 21, 2023

Leaving on a Jet Plane

I'm leaving home on Wednesday to travel back to Canada to visit family and friends and attend my 40th High School Reunion.  I've ordered a whole bunch of stuff for the manor and hopefully it will all be here when I get back home so I can play.  I'm really excited to work on the addition and see how it turns out.  I have a plan for the new roof line which should be interesting.  Not quite sure how I'm going to pull it off, but I'm hoping hubby will get on board with helping me out with that.

Anyway, I leave you with some pictures of the front of the manor and the conservatory in all its glory!  Enjoy!


  1. Have fun Teresa! Can't wait to see the new goodies, plans and the progress when you get back!

    1. Thank you Jodi! I had a really good time, but am glad to be home. I spent two days resting and working on the new addition. Yep, obsession (passion) has struck again!


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