Monday, December 31, 2018

Happy New Year

Have a happy and safe New Year everyone!  May the blessings of the last year carry forward and anything that no longer serves you be left behind.

My New Year's Resolutions

  • Be more joyful.
  • Smile and laugh more.
  • Bless my body every day, just the way it is.
  • Do one house project per month (we have twelve rooms so that will span the year!).
  • Plant a hosta garden.
  • Cook at least two meals per week (hubby does most of the cooking for which I am most grateful).
  • Find something to be grateful for every day.
  • Meditate for 15 minutes every day (preferably in the warm sunshine).
  • Thank hubby for at least one thing every day.
  • Celebrate July 4th with friends as we become American citizens!


  1. Happy New Year Teresa! I wish you the greatest sense of accomplishment as you fulfill your goals each week and each month, and congratulations on becoming a US Citizen!

    1. Thank you Jodi! Same to you! I'm on my over to your blog . . . I haven't been in a while and need to catch up!



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