Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Servant's Bedrooms

The servant's rooms are now pretty well finished.  I had asked a friend of mine (who's an amazing quilter!) if she would make quilts for my servant's beds.  She kindly said yes and so I sent off some fabric to her.  She sent back four of the most beautiful mini-quilts I've ever seen!  Look closely at the detail . . .

Aoife's room.

Aoife's bed.

Pretty headboard on Aoife's bed.

Aoife's room.

The cook's bed.

Beautiful detail on the quilt.

The cook's room.

Reginauld's bed.

Detail on Reginauld's quilt.

Reginauld's room.
Other than adding all the personal touches, these rooms are finito!


  1. Indeed these ARE four VERY LOVELY quilts Teresa and I'm quite certain that the entire domestic staff are pleased as punch with her ladyship's purchases and their comfy beds as well! :)

    1. Thank you Elizabeth! I was going to go for something plain as befitting a servant's room, but I have to look at it as well and I wanted something pretty! LOL!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Megan! A friend of mine who is a talented quilter made them for me.


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