Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Addition Completion

The manor addition is mostly complete!  I just have a few finishing details and this project is done!  I had a frustrating day yesterday trying to align the addition to the main manor.  It didn't seem to matter how many times I dry fitted, it still didn't line up the way it was supposed to.  In the end I have about a half inch gap that I will fill with strips of wood.

This morning I put a coat of Mod Podge on the turret.  I'm waiting for it to dry and then I'll add a second coat and it will be ready to take it's place on the addition roof.

                                                                                                                                                                      I'm at the point where I'm ready to be done with this project.  I've had to redo the main bathroom and what is now the "hall" to accommodate the addition, which is something I knew going in, but having to redo wallpaper is a pain in the royal tush!

I have another big project waiting in the wings, but before that I decided I'm taking a bit of a break and working on a room box I purchased from Ara at Bentley House Minis.  I'm really excited to begin working on this project and the ideas are flowing fast and furious!

As you may know, I like to know who I'm building for.  And this project is no different.  I'd like to introduce you to BellaDonna . . . well she's a ghost so it's kind of hard to see her.  Stay tuned while I try to capture her in a picture.

In the meantime, here are pictures of the completed addition to Pennethorne Manor.  Reginald (the butler) is awaiting your arrival . . .

The new addition is to the left.  The turret will be added once it's dry.

The hall that leads from the parlor to the conservatory and new breakfast room.

I plan on making some plants for the plant stand.

The doors leading to the new breakfast room.  I still need to add some trim.

The new breakfast room.  I will be making drapes for the bay window.

I can't remember if I named that Cockatoo in the corner.  I'll have to revisit older posts.

The new Library.

The Library.  All the books fell out when I was moving things around, so that will be a job putting them all back in.  I'm going to use a technique that Ara at Bentley House Minis used tacking 5 books at a time to black cardstock.

The Secret room.  Can you guess what it's going to be?

Here is a picture of the newly renovated bathroom.  I was sad to lose the window on the right, but it had to go!

I'm going to take a few days to clean up the mess I made of my supplies and such and then I'll be starting on my newest project!  Stay tuned!


  1. Hi Teresa! The addition makes the facade look so grand! It was a lot of work, indeed, but once you have taken a well deserved break you will be thrilled that you took on the challenge. Greatness doesn't come easy! You've done a really stunning job!

    Can't wait to see the other new projects, and the new little companions are precious. "No more pets" doesn't last very long around here, either. In the last 30+ years we have only been "petless" for a total of 13 months. The joys must far outweigh the desire to have nice things, lol!

    1. Thank you Jodi! Looking forward to working on my newest project. In 33 years of marriage we've never been petless!♥

  2. It's stunning Teresa, and so cosy and inviting inside.
    Big hugs,


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