Wednesday, October 18, 2023

The Addition is Finished!

The addition is done and I'm mostly happy with it.  I was looking at it this morning and realized there isn't a door to the library, or is there?  I decided that in my mind's eye, one of the library cabinets hides the door to a secret staircase that comes down into the hall outside the breakfast room.  I may add a small "corridor" between the addition and main part of the manor, but for now I'm calling it good as I have another project I'm anxious to get on to.

So without further adieu, here is the addition . . .

The addition is to the left in this picture.

I still want to add more trim and such.

The Breakfast Room

The Library.

More to come in this room!

I used the Allison Junior dollhouse addition, and in retrospect, I wish I would have built it from scratch.  The floors don't line up and I would have made that corridor I spoke of earlier (which I will do at a later date).

I'm also having a bit of a balance issue.  Not sure it fits with the rest of the manor.  Sigh . . .


  1. You have created a stately manor with a charming facade, Teresa! You should be very proud of your work with this lovely build! I often need a "break" between big projects, and find the bite sized ones keep me occupied and productive without all the pressure. I am excited to see what you're working on and I hope you are enjoying every aspect, so far!

    1. Thank you Jodi! I'm looking forward to four whole days of uninterrupted mini time! I'm hoping to get the bulk of the new project taken care of. You know you're never really "finished"! ♥


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