Friday, September 1, 2023

Fast and Furious

 Work is continuing at a fast and furious rate!  Not really, but it seems that way.  Brian cut out the openings for doors yesterday and with the addition built, it was on to painting.  I painted the addition with one coat of primer (two on the inside walls) and then painted the exterior with Curly Willow by Benjamin Moore.  I just love this color!  I'm waiting for it to dry well before I put on the second coat.

Once the paint is dry I'll need to the electrics, then wallpaper and flooring.  I was going to do hardwood in the conservatory, but I found a really nice tile (printed on paper) that I think will look awesome.  I might rip out the flooring in the old breakfast room and do the tile in there too for a cohesive look.

Here's a look at the floor that I think will look nice with the wallpaper I've chosen . . .

Found on Etsy (click here)

This is downloadable, so you can print as much as you need!

Hope you're enjoying your day!

Primed and ready for paint.

First coat of primer on the inside.  Two coats should do it (makes it easier to remove wallpaper in future).

This side goes up against the manor, but it should look good too because this will be removable.

Front is primed.  I'm loving that the siding is milled onto the MDF.

Random picture of my miniature pig "Finnegan" and dog Oliver.  Nothing like painting in the kitchen with a snoring pig!

First coat of Curly Willow by Benjamin Moore.

The large opening is for the bay window.

The large opening on the other side goes into the old breakfast room.


  1. Wow Teresa! When you set your mind to something... Everything is looking great! Can't wait to see how it all comes together!

    1. Thank you Jodi! The Manor has been calling my name the last month and so I finally decided to obey! She has more grand plans!


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