Wednesday, September 27, 2023

The Turret or Should that be Cupola?

Okay, so I've been calling the cupola a turret.  What's the difference you ask?  A cupola is a dome-like, functional and ornamental structure at the top of a roof that is pitched or flat.  A Turret comes from the Italian word torretta, or "little tower" or possibly from the Latin word turris, "tower".  Turrets project from the side of a building, jutting out with its bottom typically not reaching the ground but rather, hovering above it.

Turret on the side of a building.

Newark Castle, Port Glasgow (I needed to know more about those turretts!)  Wouldn't it be fun to recreate this castle in miniature?  Hmmmmm . . .

Cupola on the roof of a building.

I like the word turret better, as cupola reminds me of a little decorative feature in the middle of any roof.  Turret sounds much more sophisticated!

Anyhow, I worked on the turret today as I've been putting it off worried that I don't have enough of the Jen Hadfield Gold Chevron cardstock to complete it.  I cut out some templates, and sure enough, not enough cardstock.  So I jumped on Etsy and was fortunate enough to find one more sheet.  This cardstock is very hard to find as I don't think they make it anymore.  So with that on order, I got as far as I could with the cardstock I had.  I'll need two more panels and some trim to finish it and then I can add the stain to make it look like a copper roof.

Remember, I did that on the bay windows on the manor . . .

Thanks to Dollhouse Tutorials on YouTube for the great tutorial!

And here's my copper roof in progress on the turret . . .

Once my extra sheet of gold chevron cardstock arrives, I can finish the turret and then add the gel stain to make my copper roof!  The windows are painted and are ready to be installed, but first I have to decide how to finish the interior.  I'll be putting a bottom on the turret and attaching it to the addition, so maybe just painting it black will suffice.  But then again, maybe adding some trim to mimic beams and painting it all to look like wood would be kind of cool.  I'm channeling my inner Ara from Bentley House Minis.  Have you seen her channel on YouTube?  You should, she's amazingly talented and inspirational!

That's it for now except to show you the two new additions to our family.  Meet Elsie and Anna (Chihauhau mix).

1 comment:

  1. It takes a dog or two to make a house a home . . . congratulations!


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