Monday, July 20, 2020

So Happy Together

Do you remember that song by the Turtles circa 1967?  Yeah, it's stuck in my brain . . .

This past Friday all the lights arrived for the sub-basement and I was able to get them all installed.  A friend of mine came for the weekend and as we were sitting and admiring the manor, all of a sudden I smelled something burning and saw smoke coming from one of the wires!  I quickly unplugged everything and was able to minimize the damage.  Is there such a thing as a miniature fire department?  LOL!  Anyway, I'm not really sure what happened but a portion of the wire to the light in the butler's pantry burned up.  I was able to replace it and after a good deal of time monitoring it, I deemed everything safe.

Once we were safely in the clear, Brian helped me put the manor on top of the basements and WOW the effect was incredibly exciting!  It is impressive to behold (if I do say so myself).

I spent Saturday afternoon building the widow's walk.  I couldn't believe how long it took to build this little decorative addition and that's after spending an entire movie painting it beforehand.  At any rate, it's done and I'm very pleased with how it turned out.

I ran out of trim and had to order one more piece to finish the turret.  I knew I should have trusted my instincts and ordered that one extra piece the first time around!

Now that the lighting is complete, I can turn my attention to finishing the wallpapering, crown molding and baseboards in the servants bedrooms.  I have a simple white bathroom suite on order and am still waiting for the staircase that will finish the sub-basement stairwell.  I'm looking forward to this bit as I'm going to modify it to have a right hand turn that goes up into the dining room.

And now I'm going shopping for furniture for the butler's pantry . . . I'm looking forward to this part!

Stay well and stay safe!


  1. Oh my goodness the light smoldering is horrifying! There must have been wires touching one another either in the fixture or someplace else. I am so glad that you got to it in time so that you only had to replace one fixture!
    The house as one unit is amazing! All the lights in the basements are enchanting! Have fun shopping and I hope you find things you are giddy about!

    1. Thank you so much Jodi! Yes, it was quite disconcerting! I've never had that happen before. And after exchanging for new wire, wouldn't you know it . . . it happened again yesterday! This time I'm not taking any chances and I removed the light and all its wiring. I'm replacing it with a new light fixture. It's quite a job taking the manor on and off the basements!

  2. The UPSTAIRS coupled together with the DOWNSTAIRS looks Totally MAGICAL ESPECIALLY with all the lights turned on, and I KNOW that you must have been Happy Dancing inside until the sudden shock of an electrical short- WHAT A BUMMER!
    I had similar experience quite a while back- with smoke and all so I know Exactly how you feel. Hopefully, Troubleshooting will go smoothly for you- but when it comes to the electrics, it's ALWAYS SOMETHING!
    Meanwhile the widows walk on the roof is LOVELY and adds a nice little finish to the flat roof!
    Also -love the look of the flower boxes as viewed from above! They are Perfect for your Manor and provide a visual softness to the surface of the house. :D

    1. Thank you Elizabeth! I was as giddy as a school girl! LOL! Let me just say there was jumping and clapping of hands! ;-} You're right - there is always something with electrics, but I'm so happy I used round wire and not tape wire. Far fewer problems anyway. Judy did a beautiful job with those flower boxes - and I'll be adding more to the gazebo when it comes time for the finishing touches there. Thank you for stopping in!!


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