Saturday, August 4, 2018

Wallpaper and Inspiration

I received notification that my wallpaper had been delivered so I mosied on down to the mailbox to retrieve it.  I couldn't wait to get back to the house and open up the box that housed my wallpaper all the while hoping I wouldn't be disappointed.  I wasn't!

Much to my delight I liked every wallpaper I chose.  I think they'll all blend beautifully into my Victorian theme, especially when I read this snippet in the current Victorian Homes magazine I just purchased for inspiration . . .

"In the Victorian era,
each room spoke its own
distinct language."

How wonderful!  I can let my imagination run wild without constraint or barriers!

Brian (awesome husband) and I went to Home Depot today for some supplies I'll need for the basement construction.  Plywood, glue, tape, primer/sealer - check, check and check!  You should have seen the two of us working out plans standing in the wood section of Home Depot.  Too funny.  I was also able to pick up some vinyl tile that I hope to use as the flooring in the basement which will house the kitchen, butler's pantry and wine cellar.  

I'll be cutting 1 inch "grout" lines in this tile.  I purchased four tiles to be sure I'd have enough to cover the complete basement floor, but I may need a few more on reflection.  Anyway we'll see how it goes.

Afterwards we went to Barnes and Noble for a quick Green Tea Latte (for moi) and coffee for Brian.  I picked up a copy of Victorian Homes magazine for inspiration.  Almost every page provided a glimpse of what my little Victorian rooms could be.  I was inspired!!

Dining Room

Main Floor Hall
I was amused to see the wallpaper in this room is almost identical
to the wallpaper I choose for the dollhouse bedroom.

Look at that window!  It matches the one in the parlor in the Beacon Hill.
In fact the whole room mimics it!

Bathroom - I LOVE the shower curtain.

Second Floor Hall


A cozy corner - Perhaps in the third floor hall?

And for the study/library elements from each of these two rooms . . .

I'm also rethinking how I'll paper the ceilings.  I was going to use anaglypta wallpaper in an appropriate scale for texture (like tin ceilings), but I'm really digging the ceilings in these rooms.  I'm inspired to create my own using scrapbook paper.  My mind is boggled!

I'm hoping to get the basement built and primed in the next week or so in anticipation of the house being delivered.  I have so many ideas swimming in my head that I'm grateful for this blog to jot it all down and keep track of, what I think are, pretty awesome.  Of course sometimes something is lost in the translation . . .


  1. The wallpaper has beautiful designs and colours, it all goes very well together. I agree about the shower curtain, it's awesome, it would look so good in miniature! Have fun with the basement :-).


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