Monday, August 20, 2018

I've Only Just Begun

Yesterday I broke open the box to my Beacon Hill and sorted out the pieces.  I have to say that I'm not all that impressed with the shingles and siding that came with the kit for this lovely lady.  It's been found wanting.  I mentioned it to Brian and he said "we can't have that".  I love it when he gets on board with a project . . . even if it is mine.  Looks like I'll be ordering new shingles and siding befitting a grand manor house.

Yesterday I removed all the pieces I'd need for the "bones" of the house.  I sanded each piece and set it aside remembering to number them as I went along.  I debated back and forth whether to prime the pieces first or wait until it was together.  I went with the latter.

I also remembered (well almost) to enlarge all the openings for the interior doors.  It looks like I might need to add 1/8" foam board on the walls that the new doors will fit into as the molding won't sit right unless I do.  A picky detail, but as this is going to be my one and only dollhouse, I can afford to take the time to do it just right.

I also finished the flooring in the butler's pantry.  I'm also debating whether to put the staircase in the butler's pantry or in the kitchen.  Since I don't have to install it right away, I might wait until I get some of the kitchen/pantry cabinetry done before I make my final decision.  What do you think?

I didn't like the way the door to the sewing room opened, so I spent some time flipping it around.  Another one of those picky details, but I can't stand a door that opens into the room instead of into a wall (so that it's out of the way).

Figuring out how to enlarge the kitchen and bathroom and adding on the conservatory is more than my brain can handle, so I'm going to leave that for another day.  That and I need Brian to cut the pieces for me!

So for now it's on to the staircases . . .


  1. It's so exciting when the dream finally turns into the walls getting actual glue and tape!

    1. It sure is Jodi! Although I think I have more glue on my fingers than on the house! LOL!



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