Monday, August 13, 2018

Doors and tables and wallpaper . . . oh my!

I'm loving my postal lady today.  She delivered an armload of goodies to my door this afternoon.

Victorian dining table for the dining room . . .

Scrolled French doors for the parlor and dining room . . .

French doors for the second floor hall/balcony . . .

and wallpaper for the boudoir!

Still no sign of my Beacon Hill though . . . tracking says Out For Delivery Today.  Hurry up already!!


  1. Have been checking out your blog. This looks like it will be a lovely build. You've already collected some great pieces for it. Great job on the basement; it will be an excellent addition. So it's now the 15th. Did your Beacon Hill ever arrive??

    1. Hi Deborah! Thanks for stopping by and leaving such a nice comment! Yes, it arrived on the 13th but I had to work so I didn't get around to opening it until the following week. Now it's full steam ahead!



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